This complex includes various shops fully equipped with up-to-date production lines and plants such as molding, curing, steel-tube cutting, stamping, shotting, sulfiding equipment. Under strict testing system this company manufactures steering and suspension components, transmission and power components, engines and engine parts, electronics and braking systems.
The manufacturer supplies its products to both domestic and foreign replacement and OEM markets. Nowadays, the plant enhances manufacturing ability to be capable of delivering diverse range of products to its customers. Investments attracted will consistently improve its performance in the market and the company's high potential shows that share prices will definitely rise in the future.
According to the analysts automobile demand will continue to rise, and auto sales volumes will increase year-over-year. Investing in automotive industry is therefore a good opportunity for getting sustainable profit.
Price per share - $1 400,00 USD
Status: verified
Investment period: 2 years
Years in business: 8 years
Auto Manufacturer Investment Project